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It's Fall- Time to Schedule Heater Maintenance

These local heater maintenance specialists can help homeowners understand why early heater maintenance is important and learn how heater maintenance can help them get the most from their furnace. 

hvac maintenance

It's Fall- Time to Schedule Heater Maintenance

Get the Furnace Ready for Winter with Routine Fall Maintenance With a few warm days still left in the forecast, it may seem too early to start thinking about the heating season. October is still a mild month, so it may be easy to forget that fall and winter are just around the corner. In


What Exactly Is Ductless Mini Split Cooling?

Summertime in Oregon may be mild compared to some places, but things can get uncomfortable indoors without air conditioning. For many homeowners, the solution is a ductless mini-split AC system.

How Do Air Conditioners Work?

AC service technicians in Gresham, OR, explain some of the intricacies of how a central air conditioning system works to help homeowners to prepare for summer weather!